The process of creating a Profile of a Graduate brings a community together to identify and articulate this shared goal for its graduates, helps breaks down the operational and cultural silos between elementary, middle, and high school education, and positions the school district and broader community to deliver on the promise of its Profile of a Graduate.

NC3T provides expertise, consultation, and coordination to support the entire process, including district guidance, stakeholder engagement and participation, collection, and synthesis of input, the culminating creation of a customized Profile of a Graduate.  

To maximize the impact of the Profile of a Graduate, the project sponsor should anticipate how it will conduct a curriculum mapping, gap analysis, and system alignment to the Profile of a Graduate. NC3T can stay involved and provide expert facilitation and advice throughout this next phase of the process, if needed. Or, we can train and prepare you for success without our direct involvement.

Benefits of a Graduate Profile

There are several benefits for creating a Graduate Profile:

✔  Clarifies that the mission of education is more than developing tested  academic skills
✔  Develops the full range of competencies for all youth so they can make a successful transition to careers, further education, and adult life
✔  Clarifies how educators working at the elementary, middle, and high school levels are all contributing to the development of a career and life ready graduate and are not just promoting students to the next grade level
✔  Serves as an alignment tool: Everything happening within the district should be clearly aligned to developing an individual who meets the aspiration of the Graduate Profile
✔  Determines if there are gaps that need to be addressed
✔  Unifies the community with the school district around the shared values and goals
✔  Unifies the community with the school district around the shared values and goals
✔  Allows all partners working together to heighten awareness of these career and life readiness skills, and to create mechanisms to teach and measure those skills

Consulting & Professional Development Services

When working with districts and communities striving to adopt a Profile of a Graduate, NC3T provides expertise, consultation, and coordination, including district guidance, stakeholder engagement and participation, collection and synthesis of input, and finally, the culminating creation of a customized Profile of a Graduate.

Creating Your Profile of a Graduate

A Profile of a Graduate is a tool to bring a school and its stakeholders together to identify the full range of knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to be Career, College, and Life Ready. NC3T has a simple, proven method to organize the process, facilitate stakeholder meetings, and create a usable and engaging Profile of a Graduate. The process can be used with a single high school, or better yet, with an entire school district and its community partners.

Conducting a Graduate Profile Curriculum Review

A Profile of a Graduate is the starting point, but for the school or district to deliver on the promise of Career, College, and Life Readiness, educators must ensure that the school curriculum and extracurriculars are actually aligned and supportive of the Profile. NC3T consultants provide curriculum analysis tools and strategies to identify current assets, gaps, and strategies to address the missing pieces of the school experience.

Creating a Profile of a Graduate Portfolio

For the Profile of a Graduate to have its fullest impact, students must understand and buy into the Profile, and over time, create a portable portfolio that documents their progress toward the ideal measure of Career, College, and Life Readiness. NC3T consultants share tools and strategies for assessing student progress and helping each student build a Portfolio they can take with them as they advance from high school graduation to the next steps of their lives.

To request more information, or to get started, click here!