Building Advisory Boards That Matter
Published October 2012 by ACTE

Business engagement is a cornerstone element to any effective career and technical education (CTE) program, and advisory boards—mandated in most states, and warranted everywhere—are perhaps the single best model for tapping in to the potential of your community. Advisory boards give form and structure to stakeholder engagement, and serve as a valuable focal point for a program that truly meets student, staff, and employer needs.

Advisory Board book cover w-Shadow

In this book, you also learn how to effectively engage key stakeholders, whether they are members of business and industry organizations, community groups, certification or postsecondary programs, parents, students or general citizens. This book will help you create an advisory board that helps you steer your program, build capacity, pull in new resources and expertise, and provide students and staff with opportunities they could never realize otherwise. All it takes is the right attitude, an understanding of what advisory boards can be, some strategic thinking and a little leg work.

Anyone can build a powerful and productive advisory board—this book will show you what it can look like and how you can build your own.

Check out the book here.